來來來 人人瑜伽Everybody yoga
Kuvalayananda 大師的重要性在於將古老瑜伽科學化。
九十多年前,創辦Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute India的Swami Kuvalayanada請瑜伽行者們來到實驗室,與團隊一起透過科學化觀察及研究分析,以現代人易理解的語言說古印度哲學。
//Kuvalayananda and his associates did not invent the kind of Yoga that became a transnational phenomenon, but their research made it possible for this kind of Yoga to be invented.
Their scientific focus on the human body enabled the translation of a obscure branch of Indian Philosophy into a form of practice that is free of cultural baggage.//
Their scientific focus on the human body enabled the translation of a obscure branch of Indian Philosophy into a form of practice that is free of cultural baggage.//