Wednesday, 27 January 2021


 ...One of my favourite pastime recently.

Rubbing the Tibetan singing bowl as a practice to quiet the mind, with an ancient means of timing the practice—burning incense.
Bringing Senses(except that of taste) at this moment: gazing the dancing smoke, smelling the fragrances of sandalwood, feeling the vibration in my hand and hearing the sound.
I’m the performer enjoying the performance at the same time.
I catch myself when I lose focus, when my mind wandering around. The abrupt tone deviate from the smooth low pitch sound, I swiftly come back, adjust how much effort I should use to press the mallet against the bowl.
Hardly can I practice this in a robotic manner, my full presence is constantly needed to redirecting attention back to here and now.
I also challenge myself by rubbing the bowl with left hand holding the mallet in anti-clockwise directions.
It’s so much fun, feels like my left and right side of the brain are in battle, heating up or cooling down here or there, little bit of itching pain come and go.🤪





