2020 #疫情 下#正常生活 似乎與我們所熟悉的有所不同。 但是,#封城2020 並不意味著您不能做自己喜歡的事!
圖中的#janusirsana 是簡化而溫和的變化,頭部完全靠墊支撐,上半身向前傾斜,盡量減少使用肌肉力量,動用多少曡高的枕頭也沒關係,讓額頭完全放鬆在小枕頭上,有助使頭腦平靜下來。
During the #pandemic2020 , #normallife seems to be deviated from what we’re familiar with. However #lockdown2020 doesn’t mean you can’t do what you like!
Let’s set up a healthy habit with daily practice with body, breath and mind, meaning we can have a gentle yoga āsana practice, breathing exercises of #pranayama and then internalised our #dailyritual sitting quietly contemplating in #meditation .
Surely, things will be easier when there is no discomfort in our body. So let start working on the tangible things, namely, our physical body, then slowly progress to more abstract perspective which need our ability to visualisation.
Here I’m in supported #janusirsana, a simplified and gentle variation with head fully supported by cushions so that we just lean our upper body forward while minimising the effort of muscle strength, as forehead rest on small pillow its also helps calm and quiet the mind. We can stay in this position from 3 to 5 minutes, moment to moment and breath by breath we feel that we can let go of effort, or maybe fell heaviness towards the cushions. When you feel ready, gently sit up with closed eyes, wait until the moment you want to do the other side, it’s always about mindfulness and we enjoy and witness every moment.
“Janusirsana” literally means a sitting down pose with one knee folded inward while upper body lead forward to the extended leg.