疫症的突襲,令2020年成為嶄新時代的特殊開始。 人生各方面以至日常生活方式、習慣和活動都被迫減慢甚至突然煞停。
Year 2020 marked as special start of a brand new era with uprisings of COVID-19. Every aspect of our life as well as our daily activities and lifestyle in general is forced to slow down or even pause abruptly.
I’m taking this special opportunity to re-examine my own inner and outer world, the people, things, relationships and environment etc that come into contact with me.
It may sounds tedious, but I am more than assured and treasured doing little things, which might be ignored in the past, one at a time.
For example more trips to donation spots, taking things which no longer serve me to donate one batch at a time, like ants moving home.
This action is meaningful and deserve my time, full attention and awareness so as to review everything big or small, in sorting whether or not they are to stay or go.